Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.


Jan 24, 2024

DAY 18 Matters of the Heart

BE STILL                    Spend 2 minutes in stillness and silence with God 

SCRIPTURE               Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 


What if when we asked God for strength, peace, love, or provision He gave it to us begrudgingly? Imagine being in need, approaching our loving Father for help, and His response being a huge attitude. How would we feel knowing that God technically did pour out His love to us but in His heart, He didn’t really want to? Our feelings may be hurt, and we may even feel like a burden to Him. 

We are so blessed to have a Father who cheerfully gives to us because His love runs so deep. Jesus willingly gave up His life for us because of that same love. In our own lives we are called to be cheerful givers – but why? We imitate God. We make this world look a little bit more like Him, and we live our lives in the way we are called to as believers. 

Not only do we mirror the love of God on this side of heaven, but we live out our commandment to love one another. Whether it be aiding the poor, a friend in need, or an organization, giving to those who need it (when we have the resources to do so) is an act of love. When we bless others and love them as ourselves, God is glorified! When God gets the glory, we can rejoice! Therefore, part of our cheerful giving comes from the fact that we know God is getting the glory through our giving. 

God also rewards our giving through the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. When we give to others out of wanting to glorify God and help those in need, He honors our actions. God will bless us with more so that we can in turn be even more generous with others. The result of our generosity is more glory for Him on this earth. 

Remember that God sees the matters of the heart. He loves, honors, and rewards those whose hearts are glad to give! 

Read 2 Corinthians 9 in the Bible. In what new ways do you understand the act of giving? 

Would you say you are a cheerful giver? Why or why not? 

What do your giving habits look like? Do you donate to charity or help friends in need? 


Your turn! What is on your heart to chit-chat with God about? Below are a few prayer point ideas to get you started: 

·      Thank God for Your finances

·      Thank God for His readiness to give

·      Ask God to give you a fresh outlook on cheerful giving

·      Confess, repent, and/or ask God for help with any greed, stinginess, or selfishness in your heart related to money

·      Ask God to reveal to you any charities, organizations, or people that He wants you to pour into financially

·      Remind God of His grace and mercy, and ask for an extension of it towards you for any giving that was done with a hardened heart Plead the blood of Jesus over your finances

·      Thank Him for blessing you even more so that you can bless others Seal it all in Jesus’ name