Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

Jan 18, 2024

Day 12. Fruit of the Spirit

BE STILL           Spend 2 minutes in stillness and silence with God 

SCRIPTURE      22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 


As witnesses of Christ, there is a certain way that we maneuver through this world. We’re different. We operate on a distinct set of standards, and we luckily have divine help to assist us (or carry us) along the way. Aren’t you so glad for that help via Holy Spirit?! He guides us and He serves as a witness of Christ, too. Not only is He a witness, but He comes with His own evidence – the fruit of the Spirit. 

According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of fruit is “the effect or consequence of an action or operation.” This means that these nine fruits of the Spirit are a direct result of having Holy Spirit inside us. They become more and more evident as our relationship with God grows. 

A major way to thrive in our relationships with others is to exude the fruit of the Spirit. This means that no matter how someone else treats us (or how much their fruit seems to be lacking), we choose to give them the love of God that is evident via the fruit. This is far easier said than done, trust me I know it! It all starts with that agape love we talked about on Day 8. When we have unconditional love towards someone, it's easier to move with the remaining fruit of the Spirit despite what the relationship looks like. Even if the love is not returned, we still thrive because we are moving in a way that is pleasing to God. 

I want to end this day's devotion by sharing something I've learned and observed over the years - we often ask God to help us externally with things He may have already given us internally. It feels easier to have Him open up the windows of heaven and have discipline rain down than to realize it already lives inside of us because of Holy Spirit. The latter requires us to take responsibility and ownership of our actions. It gets rid of excuses because it's not that we don't have the ability to operate a certain way, we just have to tap into it. The beautiful part is that we can ask Holy Spirit for assistance - He is our Helper after all! As we work on exuding the fruit of the Spirit towards others, remember that we are never alone in this process. 

Which fruit of the Spirit is/are the most difficult for you to display towards others? 

Which fruit of the Spirit is/are easiest for you to display towards others? 

Love is the foundation to exuding the remaining fruit of the Spirit. In what ways can you be more loving towards others - specifically those who don't show you that love in return? 


Lord, You are the ultimate planner! You know all things and have a plan and a way for everything. I am grateful that You did not leave me without help on this earth after Jesus ascended into heaven. I am grateful I have Holy Spirit living inside of me and that He helps me, guides me, and brings Your word to my remembrance. Thank You for the fruit of the Spirit to help me truly love my neighbors as myself. Your word says that whoever lives in love lives in You, and that is the place I want to rest in. 

I admit there are times when I struggle to operate in the fruit of the Spirit towards others. I specifically struggle the most with [whichever fruit you struggle with the most]. Holy Spirit, help me. I choose not to quench You, and I need help to fine-tune my ears to hear You. I desire to be a person who is completely humble, gentle, and patient while bearing with others in love. I decide today to operate differently toward others. Help me to strengthen my relationships as I work on how I treat Your sons and daughters. Thank You for Your perfect plan, God - that even when I don’t know what to pray, Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf. Have Your way in the name of Jesus! Amen