Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

DAY 16 Misaligned Hope

Jan 22, 2024

DAY 16 Misaligned Hope

BE STILL                    Spend 2 minutes in stillness and silence with God 

SCRIPTURE               Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17



Where does your hope lie? We instinctively want to say it lies in God, but in reality, that may not always be the case. Whether it be in people, jobs, our talents, money, and so forth, today we’re realigning our hope with God. Since we’re talking about thriving in our finances, let’s focus on when our hope is in money as opposed to God. 

Given that we live in a world that operates on money, we can’t ignore the fact that it is important. However, what happens when our hope is in money? It begins to hold our trust, our confidence, and our anticipation for circumstances in our lives to change. We begin to think of it as our savior as opposed to our omnipotent, sovereign, mighty God. Some- times we even use our lack of money as a reason why we can’t do what God has told us to do! 

As we see in today’s scripture, money is an uncertain thing of this world. If recessions, stock market crashes, and inflation over the years have taught us anything, it's that money certainly comes and goes. As I said in the previous paragraph, we can acknowledge that it is important in this world; can we also acknowledge that we can't take it with us to heaven? Can we remember that God’s ways are much higher than the world? When our hope is shifted towards Him, He will truly supply what we need when we need it. 

Placing our hope in God looks like seeking, abiding, submitting, and trusting in Him more than we do money. It looks like walking in the gifts that He has given us and allowing them to make room for us. It looks like remembering that our God can make ways in the wilderness and rivers in deserts. It's us knowing that if our God takes care of the lilies in the fields and makes sure the sparrows are fed, then we most certainly will be taken care of. 

The first step in thriving in our finances is making sure we use them as a resource and not the source of our hope. When we are truly, truly in alignment with God, He will give us the finances we need exactly when we need them. Put your hope, trust, confidence, and anticipation back in Him. He has got you!

In what ways have you put more of your hope in money than in God? 

If you did not have to worry about money, what things would you do right now in your life? Ask God to guide you on what ways you can prepare now for those things. 


My Father, My Keeper, My Sustainer – I love You. Everything under the whole heaven is Yours! There is nothing in this world that Your eyes can’t see, and Your hands can’t touch. You created all things with just Your words; You don’t operate or need money’s help to do anything. Please help me to make sure my hope does not lie in earthly treasures, but that it remains with You. This world and its desires are passing away, so any comfort money provides for me is only temporary. I know that my heart lies where my treasure is, and I want my heart and hope to always be in You. 

You will never leave or forsake me, and I know that I have everything I need with You! When I am in true alignment with You, I do not lack. Help me to be content with what I have and never have a deeper love for money than I do for You. God, I said that if I didn’t have to worry about money I would do [what you listed in question 2]. Shift my perspective, Lord. Show me ways I can prepare in my heart, mind, and actions to accomplish what You have placed in my hands to do. Help me to see how money does not have to be an obstacle.

Thank You, Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen