Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Day 10

Jan 14, 2025

No one in the Body of Christ is bound to a dead-end job. We serve a God of increase and prosperity. He will promote you to positions you never thought you could do and then give you the ability to do them better than anyone ever has.

Never forget that your Father prospers everything you set your hands to do. So set your hand to the plow and don’t let up. Maintain a good attitude.

Don’t be a complainer. Complainers are always last in the promotion line. See your present job as a proving ground. Do it as unto the Lord and to the very best of your ability. And don’t be selfish. If the opportunity arises, teach others to do your job as well as you can. You will reap the benefit of sowing into someone else’s life and ensure that you have a replacement when you get the promotion you’ve been expecting. Remember promotion does not come from the east or the west, but promotion is from God!


Dear Lord, thank You for raising me from the dust (the place where I am easily driven by

the wind). Thank You, Lord for delivering me from the dunghill (the place of deep and

filthy poverty). You Lord have set me with kings and nobles. You Father have made me

righteous in the earth. You have guarded my ways and given me strength to do Your will.

Lord Your word says that You are the one who promotes and I believe Your word for my

life. I thank You Father that You have come to give me life and an abundant life. Amen.

Scriptures to Meditate on

Deuteronomy 8:6-18, Psalm 75:6, 7