Do you have a desire to be more in tune to the word of God? Do you want a bigger understanding of the things of God? Today lets us challenged one another to really seek and ask for the wisdom of God and divine revelation of our Holy Father and His Word. Remember you must do your part in reading and studying the word of God it does not come to those who are slothful, unwilling to study, or does not spend time with God.
Give the Lord something to work with; you must put forth some effort.
Lord of Glory, I pray that You might give to me Your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the sphere of a full knowledge of Yourself, with the eyes of my heart being enlightened, knowing what is the hope of Your calling, what is the wealth of the glory of Your inheritance in me and what is the super-a-bounding greatness of Your inherent power to me as one who believes, as measured by the operative energy of the manifested strength of Your might (see Eph.1:17-19). And Father I pray that You would make known to me the mystery of Your
will according to Your good pleasure which You have purposed in Yourself (see Eph. 1:9).
Scriptures to Meditate on
Daniel 2:21, James 1:5