Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Day 12

Jan 16, 2025

Day Twelve-Life Balance

When more time is spent at work than at home, there’s a greater possibility of missing out on a rewarding personal life. However, when there is significant stress in the personal life, increased focus on the work life may sometimes serve as a coping mechanism. We should seek to bring glory to God in what we do and in how we spend our time. Neglecting ourselves or to avoid something at home isn’t really God-honoring

behavior. 1Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God?” The impact of overwork on the body is physically destructive and harmful and can lead to hypertension, depression, fatigue, and exhaustion. To keep work and personal priorities in check, seek Godly advice from other believers and pray for God’s guidance as you seek to honor Him with your time. Then, keep a log of how you spend your time. Remember God has given you a life to enjoy and not to overwork yourself until the point of sickness or maybe even death.


Father, please show me any areas where I need to reorder my priorities. Guide me to

solutions that will help me live my life in a way that is pleasing to You. Jesus, I desire for

my steps to be ordered in Your Word. I want to be faithful to the time You have given me

on this earth. I want to please You Lord in all that I do. Help me Holy Spirit not to

neglect my body in which You dwell, help me not to neglect my family by being too busy

for them. Forgive me Lord for using my time unwisely. Thank You Lord for being

faithful to me when I am unfaithful to the time You have given me. In Jesus name I pray,


Scripture to Meditate on

Ecclesiastes 3:13