Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Day 11

Jan 15, 2025

As children of God we often find it hard to wait on God to answer our prayers. For some reason we think God needs our help in answering our prayers so we might tend to do things our own way instead of waiting on God. God’s word tells us that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, so why is it hard for us to wait on God?

Maybe it is because of our impatience, immaturity, or lack of trust that will cause us to jump ahead of God instead of waiting and listening for His voice. Do we really trust God to answer us when we call on Him? Well He did say that He will answer us when we call and sometimes it may not be the way we were thinking He should answer. Are you willing to wait on the Lord to answer all your prayers, even if it takes longer than



Father show me Your ways, Lord God, and teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. You are the God of my salvation. I wait before You with expectant hope all the day long. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me as I wait on You. Father God, help me to remember to wait on You at all times and to be of good courage, for I know that as I do these things, You will strengthen my heart. Thank You, Father, for this

precious promise from Your word. In Jesus name Amen.