Join Us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Day 1

Jan 5, 2025


Have you ever wondered who or what created the heavens or even little things like flies

and ants? If so, what caused you to think that there is someone besides God who can

bring things like that into existence? Colossians 1:16 says, “for by Him all things were

created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or

dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for

Him.” When we acknowledge the Creator of heaven and earth it leaves no room or doubt

in our minds that our Heavenly Father is the creator of the Universe. Take a look around

outside today, and behold the beauty of the sky and the things around you; and look at

how detailed our Father God is. Don’t you think that if we serve a God who is that

detailed in the smallest things of His creation like a fly or a tiny ant then think of how

detailed the plan must be He has for your life? Take some time today to thank God for

what He has done for us in all creation. God loves it when we brag on Him and about

Him. Watch how He will begin to fill your heart with joy!


Father God, who is like You? There is none in heaven or on earth like our Mighty and

Awesome God. O Lord, You have created all things and by You all things exist. Heaven

is Your throne and the earth is Your footstool. God we your children can not build

anything large enough to contain You and Your glory, the heaven and heaven of heavens

can’t contain You, yet You have chosen to have Your Holy Spirit live inside of us. Thank

You Father for all the things You have done for us. Thank You for the wonderful creation

of life we partake in each day God. Lord, we acknowledge that You are God of every

living thing. We say that You are God of all flesh, the Creator, the Great I Am, The

Ancient of Day, and we bless Your Holy and righteous ways. Thank You Father for Your
