Day 3
The President and VP has been chosen by majority vote. It is our job as believers to keep
them lifted up in prayer, whether you like the choice or not we are told in scripture to
pray for them.
God is the one who lifts some up and sits some down. We must
understand that God has the last word and whatever decisions these two new people
make our God is STILL in control of them also.
The bible tells us that He is the God of all flesh. So let us make a decision to pray for guidance for our new leaders of these United States of America. Let us purpose in our hearts that we will ask the Father to lead and
guide every plan, purpose, thought, and decision they make. Remember these Leaders have a huge load to carry with the state of our economy, health care , and our soldiers in harms, and other war torn countries. Let us also remember that they need people they can trust to help them in there decision making. Like all of us one of the most important things we can ask God for and that is guidance.
Can you imagine what the White House would be like if you knew that the President asked our Lord and Savior each day for guidance in their actions, motives and plans, WOW! Well we know that we can ask for
them and that is just as good.
Lord God we pray for President Trump and VP Vance will trust in You, Lord, with all their
hearts; and that they will not lean on their own understanding. We pray that in all their
ways they will acknowledge You, and You will make their paths straight. For You, Father,
lead the humble in justice, and teach the humble Your way.
A man’s way is not in himself; nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps. The steps of President Trump
and VP Vance are ordered by You. Father, and You delight in their way. Make them to know Your ways, Father; teach them Your paths. Lead them in Your truths and teach them, for You are the God of their salvation; for You they wait all the day.
Thank You Father for surrounding our new leaders with people who will serve them with pure
motives and help them make the best decisions for our Country. Thank You Lord for
leading them and guiding them with Your right eye.