Day 8
Do you know of someone who does not know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior? Chances are you do. It may be a co-worker, a friend, a neighbor, and even your own mother or father. The fact is almost every born again believer knows at least one person who is not saved. Why then do you think that God has placed you in their life? Is it to witness to them or to let your light shine before them so that they will desire to know
your God?
Today take time out to pray for someone specifically you know who is not saved. Ask God to show and tell you exactly how to witness to this person or people He has for you to share your faith with. God desires for everyone to be saved not just a select few but EVERYONE!
Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father I pray for (_________), and the lost of the world this day and that
every man, woman, and child from here to the farthest corners of the earth be saved. As
I intercede, I use my faith, believing that thousands this day have the opportunity to
make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. I ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust the
perfect laborers across these lives this day to share the good news of the Gospel in a
special way so that they will listen and understand it, that it will touch their hearts. In
the name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.