Day 5
It absolutely thrills me when I think that the God of Heaven can actually use me! We all
should be very grateful to know that we can be an instrument to accomplish His will here
on earth. Faithful Christians are the tools God uses to do great things that have eternal
He uses His followers as witnesses to the entire earth to tell everyone about Him
and His love. When you stop to think about it, you and I can truly alter the course of
history and the world.
Unfortunately, some people are not being used by God because they are either unwilling or unfaithful. It is said that Leon Trotsky, who was a key part of the Communist revolution in Russia, actually attended a Sunday school class one day during a visit to America. But the teacher of the class was absent that morning, and did
not bother to get a substitute. So no one taught the Bible that morning, and as far as anyone knows, Trotsky never attended church again. What if someone had been faithful enough to show up that morning? It may have helped to alter history!
All that God asks of us is to make ourselves available to Him. Tell the Lord today that you want to
faithfully serve Him, Who knows what wonderful things might happen when you are
faithful to the Lord.
Dear Lord, forgive me for not being available for Your use in the Kingdom. Lord I want
to be used by You to bring about change in my community. I yield myself to You Lord, to
do whatever You want me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.